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Happy Music in our Schools Month!

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7:38 PM
I hope your month is off to a good start! Here are five different ideas for celebrating a month of musical magic!

1. Dress up days- as an elementary music teacher I adore any chance to dress silly, wear a tutu or just goof off with my kids. I do dress up days on every Friday in the Month of March.  This year we're doing these: March 3rd- Music Rocks my Socks crazy sock day, March 10th- Music Makes me Smart- Nerd Day, Thursday, March 16th(we have a teachers work day on the 17th) singing makes me feel cozy day, wear comfy camping clothes for our campfire sing-a-long, Friday, March 24th- music makes me dance, wear your favorite cowboy/cowgirl dancin' clothes, Friday, March 31st- Dress like a musician or a children's song.

2. Host a Concert and/or a Sing-a-long- This year I'm doing my spring concert and also a sing-a-long to celebrate all of the awesome folk music I've integrated into my curriculum thanks to my newest pedagogical obsession- Kodály. It's also a great way to get family members and others involved in what we do in music class. I'm super excited about this event and am looking forward to blogging about it when it's over. This is a slightly modified version of what I posted on my facebook page for parents and former students to see:

3. Community Dance- Every year I do a fundraiser I came up with called a dance-a-thon, and as an extension of that event I'm adding in a barn dance in the evening for the families. It's going to be a celebration of folk dancing with our families. Consider hosting a community folk dancing night, it's hard not to smile when singing and dancing with kids. I've seen super serious Dad's get down with the folk dancing!
4. Poster contest- consider having your kids create posters celebrating the theme of MIOSM, or you can create your own prompt. I always leave creating the posters as sub plans when I'm out in February so that way we are good to go in March. My county has two events where the music teachers are off campus in February, so it's nice to not have to worry about what to plan for the kids.  
5. Play music in the mornings- I have amazing administrators, seriously like the best you could ever ask for, and my principal already does this just because he's a super cool guy. However, if you don't have someone who does it yet, it's a fun way to start the day.
How are you celebrating music in our schools month at your school?
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